Geophysical Monograph: Deep Earth : Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core 217 by Hidenori Terasaki Terasaki read FB2, DOC, MOBI


"Deep Earth: Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core" highlights recent advances and the latest views of the deep Earth from theoretical, experimental, and observational approaches. Physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and core are responsible not only for the seismic, compositional, and thermal structure of the deep Earth, but also for dynamics throughout the entire Earth, from the deep interior to the surface. Structure and dynamics are closely linked to the formation and evolution of Earth's interior. In recent years, we have reached a stage where we can perform measurements under the conditions of the center part of the Earth using state-of-the-art techniques, and novel theoretical models have been complementary to this breakthrough. We are now able to compare these experimental and theoretical results directly to precise geophysical and geochemical observations. This volume highlights the recent significant advancements in our understanding of the deep Earth that have occurred as a result, including contributions from experimental and theoretical mineral and rock physics, geophysics, and geochemistry. Topics in this volume include: - Thermal structure of the lower mantle and core- Structure, anisotropy, and plasticity of deep Earth materials- Physical properties of the deep interior- Chemistry and phase relations in the lower mantle and core- Volatiles in the deep Earth This volume will be a valuable resource for researchers and students who study the Earth's interior. The topics of this volume are multidisciplinary, and therefore will be useful to students from a wide variety of fields in the Earth Sciences, including geophysics, geochemistry, and mineral/rock physics.

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