Read ebook The Giant Book of Poetry in FB2
9781933769660 English 1933769661 The Giant Book of Poetry is an illustrated anthology of over 575 poems, more than 750 pages and over 60 illustrations representing ancient, classical, modern, and contemporary time periods along with a good selection of English translations of world poets. Footnotes include notes on form, definitions for unusual words, and hints on interpretation. The book includes an introduction by the editor and an appendix covering poetry meter, as well as indexes by author, title, subject, source language, and first line. The publisher is also releasing an audio CD version of the book and the book includes an index pointing from each poem to the corresponding audio CD and track, and an index pointing from each audio CD and track to the corresponding poem location in the book., Winner or finalist in the Best Books National Book Award Poetry Anthology of the Year; Benjamin Franklin Audio Book of the Year; Foreword Magazine Audio Book of the Year; and the Bill Fisher Award for Best New Fiction. Over 750 pages of poetry spanning from 4,000 BC up to the present day and including a broad cross-section of global poetry. Footnotes for each poem specify each poem's form, define unusual or archaic words, and include notes about interpretation. Multiple indexes, including an index by subject, simplify finding exactly the right poem for any situation. The poems were specifically selected to appeal to readers new to poetry, but even experienced poetry readers will find new and enjoyable poems. The poems from the book are also available on audio CD.
9781933769660 English 1933769661 The Giant Book of Poetry is an illustrated anthology of over 575 poems, more than 750 pages and over 60 illustrations representing ancient, classical, modern, and contemporary time periods along with a good selection of English translations of world poets. Footnotes include notes on form, definitions for unusual words, and hints on interpretation. The book includes an introduction by the editor and an appendix covering poetry meter, as well as indexes by author, title, subject, source language, and first line. The publisher is also releasing an audio CD version of the book and the book includes an index pointing from each poem to the corresponding audio CD and track, and an index pointing from each audio CD and track to the corresponding poem location in the book., Winner or finalist in the Best Books National Book Award Poetry Anthology of the Year; Benjamin Franklin Audio Book of the Year; Foreword Magazine Audio Book of the Year; and the Bill Fisher Award for Best New Fiction. Over 750 pages of poetry spanning from 4,000 BC up to the present day and including a broad cross-section of global poetry. Footnotes for each poem specify each poem's form, define unusual or archaic words, and include notes about interpretation. Multiple indexes, including an index by subject, simplify finding exactly the right poem for any situation. The poems were specifically selected to appeal to readers new to poetry, but even experienced poetry readers will find new and enjoyable poems. The poems from the book are also available on audio CD.